
Timeline of the ESADA eCRF (case report form) in RedCap

  • Study start
  • Measurements
  • Comorbidities and drugs
  • Baseline sleep studies 1 and 2 (Preparation for visit and meeting the participant):
    • Watches, Health mate and Sleep Revolution app
    • Questionnaires in RedCap and ESQ
    • Sleep studies (Standard care and SR pathway (Randomized)). All participants will do both standard care and Sleep Revolution pathway.

  • Sleep study management
  • Adverse events
  • Diagnosis and treatment
  • Standard care procedure results
  • Sleep Apnea Treatment
  • Visit

  • Measurements
  • Adverse events
  • Sleep Study Management and Equipment Return
  • esada_instructions/timeline_esada_ecrf.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/12/04 14:24
  • by kristinao