
10 Scorer Dataset

This part of Sleep Revolution aims to test new measuring equipment that will be used in the research.

Around 250 individuals were invited to participate, both men and women, in the age range of 18-99 years. Healthy individuals and individuals with symptoms of common sleep disorders (sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome and insomnia) were invited to participate, at least 50 individuals in each group. We included individuals with a wide range of body mass index, age and gender. The participants were selected based on these criteria. Of those 250 participants 50 participated in the single setup and the other 200 participated in the double setup study.

If you were invited for a follow-up research, the visit will took place at RU. It will take approx. 1 hour. It started with a brief explanation of the study and following that the informed consent form was signed. Next, the participant's height and weight will be measured and the sleep study was prepared. The participant needed to arrive freshly bathed, with a clean and dry hair, before the sleep study. Sensors to measure sleep stages, sleep quality, breathing, snoring, oxygen saturation, electrocardiogram, leg movements, body movements, position and sweating were placed on the participant. The participant went home with the equipment and slept at home. The participant was also asked to fill out another short questionnaire, on paper, regarding their experience of the sleep study. Next morning, the participant was asked to remove the equipment by themselves and return it to the RU reception.

50 participants underwent a 1-night PSG in their own homes. The PSG was set up in Reykjavik University. Participants wore a Withings smartwatch during the sleep study.

  • Gold standard PSG - 6 channel EEG with reference electrodes behind ears and 2 EOG channels, nasal airflow, abdominal and thorax respiratory movements, oxygen saturation, electrocardiography(ECG) and audio.
  • Sweating in palm - Electrodermal activity(EDA) electrodes placed in participant's palm.
  • Withings smartwatch
Sleep studies: Sleep stages, breathing, snoring (audio), oxygen desaturation, electrocardiogram, leg movements, body movements, sleep position.
Withings smartwatch: Heart rate, movement, sleep, oxygen saturation.
Questionnaires: ISI, Screening questions for RLS, StopBANG, ESS, Berlin, PSQI, Questions about insomnia and sleepiness.
  • cluster/datasets/single_setup.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/09/27 12:52
  • by katrinhera