
Cluster access

This page covers how to gain access to the cluster, how to access the cluster, and how to recover lost user access.

To get access to the cluster, speak to your organization's contact with the cluster management team (CMT). They will then apply to the CMT to provision an account for you.

The first task you absolutely need to do when you receive your password is to change it. This is due to you receiving your password via email. If the password is not changed in 1 day, your user access will be revoked, and the process needs to be restarted.

Here is a form that you can use to apply for access to the cluster.

It is very important that you change the password as soon as you get access to the cluster. The password can be changed by logging into a machine you have access to using SSH. The command to update your password is `passwd`. You will first be prompted for your current password, and then the new password.

The machines provided as part of the cluster are on a network that is not accessible from the wider internet, meaning that in order to access them, you need to be logged on to the VPN.

Please use a VPN client such as Cisco AnyConnect to log into the RU VPN Then use the following log-in credentials:


Password: your newly set password

More detail on the VPN can be found here.

Jupyterhub is a platform that allows multiple users to access computational resources using a graphical user interface. To access the JupyterHub, follow the steps in the Jupyter article.

In order to access the JupyterHub, first open a terminal window on your computer and type:


Then open a browser and access the page

If you have lost your access for any reason, a request for an authentication reset can be sent by your organizations' contact with the CMT. After the request is sent, you will be contacted directly by the CMT and given a temporary password which you will be required to change at the next login.

In case of any security incident, it is very important that you escalate the issue directly with both the CMT and your organization's contact with the CMT.

  • cluster/cluster_access.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/03/16 08:43
  • by lukab