Sleep Revolution App Reminder SOP

When you log in as a study coordinator, you can see the participants, similar to what is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Screenshot from the overview, where you as study coordinator can see the participants.

When you as study coordinator log into the platform and look at the participants’ overview, you can see the status of their logging of the data, their answers are lid up by colors. If their answers are missing, there is no color in the overview for that particular patient (see Figure 2).
Figure 2. An overview of study participants, where every participants’ participation is none-existing except for the first participant.

The SOP to get the participants to answer (if they are not answering both the morning and evening diary) is as follows.

If the participants do not answer the morning sleep diary and the evening sleep diary for:

  1. Three consecutive days, then you can send them the first message.
  2. Seven consecutive days, then you send them a second message.
  3. Ten consecutive days, then you try to call them and encourage them to continue partaking in the study.
  4. After that, you do not try to reach out to them more, and you note down in your books(adverse events in eCRF), that you did the three steps above without any luck (alongside the date).

The message can be sent through the messaging function in the platform and can read as follows (please translate to your native language):

The first message: Good morning. Thank you for partaking and for filling in your data. We are grateful for your efforts. We would like to remind you to fill in the morning and the evening sleep diary. Best regards [your name].

The second message: Happy [week]day. We see that you have yet to complete the morning and evening sleep diary and would like to ask you to do so, in order for your data to be complete. Best regards [your name].

The third action: a phone call where you ask them to answer and partake in a polite and kind manner.