Go to [[https://sleepwell.sleeprevolution.eu|Sleepwell]] and log in as a study coordinator with the credentials that you received from the Icelandic team.\\ \\ After logging in, you can see an overview of the data from the participants in your center, which they have filled in to the SleepRevolution app. The screenshot below shows a calendar overview of when each participant has filled out their sleep diary and when they have completed the brain games in the app.\\ \\ You can look at a list of participants in the dashboard if you choose the table tab and see some details on them (see Figure 1). \\ \\{{:esada_instructions:sop_platform_f1.png?nolink&800|}}\\ Figure 1. A list of participants that are linked to your center.\\ {{:esada_instructions:sop_platform_f2.png?600|}}\\ Figure 2. Overview with inactive participants (where the circles are not filled, the data is missing for that day, please note that the data can come in until 2am in the night for each participant and count for the previous day, for those that go to bed later than midnight). \\ \\ When the participants have filled in some data, the overview may look as follows (see Figure 3 where the colors represent data and data type for that particular day, for that participant).\\ If you choose overview, you can see the data logged by each participant (see Figure 2 for an overview of inactive participants). \\ {{:esada_instructions:sop_platform_f3.png?600|}}\\ Figure 2. The overview with some active participants (the first and third participants are active in their participation) and some inactive (the second and fourth participant). \\ \\ === Platform - Chat === You can use the chat to contact your participants if they are inactive, or and if they send you questions through the app you can also see that there (press the chat tab in the platform to view and use the chat). Please note that using your native language to communicate with the participants is recommended, and also note that the chat history in the platform is the same as the participants see in their SleepRevolution app.\\ \\ If the participants do not use the app, and the overview for that participant indicates inactivity (three consecutive days without data), please refer to the SOP found here.