====== Reports in Noxturnal ====== When a sleep study has been scored on the cluster, the sleep study findings need to be inserted into the patients electronic health records in the form of a sleep study report. The following instructions show how to export a SAS scoring report from Noxturnal. Further it explains how you will receive it back to be able to insert it into the electronic health records at your end. ===== Creating Reports ===== - Open the study you want to create a report from - If you need to add some notes to the report, choose the person icon in the top left corner of Noxturnal. \\ {{ :esada_instructions:person_icon.png?300 |Figure 1}} - In this window you can add Technician notes or Interpretation notes if needed by clicking on the respective tab. They will display in the report. {{ :esada_instructions:tech_notes.png?800 |}} - Select **Reports** > **Nox SAS Report**, the report will now open in a new tab. {{ :esada_instructions:sas_reports.png?400 |}} - Now you can access the report in a tab called **“Nox SAS Report”** and from there it can be edited. {{ :esada_instructions:report.png?600 |}} - If you need to add information to or remove information from the report you can click on **“Edit”** to enter editing mode - when you have finished editing the report you need to turn of editing mode by clicking again on **“Edit”**. You cannot export the report while still in editing mode. {{ :esada_instructions:edit_report.png?800 |}} - To export the report, choose Export and a window pops up to choose the location at which to save the report, choose the **“Report folder“** on the virtual machine, a subfolder in your centerfolder on the ESADA workspace, see picture. Be careful that you **export it as a word document**. The file name should be the name of the study appended with the number of the night(in bold) – for example ESR0101**01** {{ :esada_instructions:export_report.png?800 |}} {{ :esada_instructions:export_location.png?600 |}} {{ :esada_instructions:reportsubfolder.png?400 |}} - When the export is complete you need to send a mail to the support mail (sleepsupport@ru.is) informing us that the report is ready and we will send it to you via secure file sharing service (PLIC share). - When we have received your e-mail on the support mail you will receive a link via e-mail that is valid for 30 hours and when you click on it the reports are downloaded. The report will appear in the Downloads folder on your computer. The report is in a word document format and you should edit it by removing the research number and adding the patient’s personal details taking care to note the number of night in each report. When the personal information has been added the report is ready to be added to the health registry system at your center. If you run into issues with the link (only valid for 30 hours), please send us an e-mail to the sleep support mail and we will send a new link.