====== Double Setup ====== ===== Study aims ===== The Double setup study aimed to validate the use of the Self applied somnography (SAS) system for use as a type-2 polysomnography system. Where the biggest difference between the gold standard PSG and the SAS being that the self applied system has a 4 channel frontal EEG and does not include the chin EMG. It further aimed to compare and validate the data from the wearables Empatica E4 and withings watches to the type 2 polysomnography measures. {{:cluster:datasets:sas.png?400|SAS}} {{:cluster:datasets:frontaleeg.png?400|Frontal EEG}} ===== Study Protocol ===== Participants slept in their home invironment for one night with the following signals being recorded: * SAS - includes frontal-EEG, respiratory signals(cannula, thorax and abdominal breathing belts and oximeter), EGC and EMG. * Gold standard EEG - 6 channel EEG with reference electrodes behind ears and 2 EOG channels. * Sweating in palm - Electrodermal activity(EDA) electrodes placed in participants palm. * Empatica E4 watch * Withings smartwatch | **Details** | | | Number of participants | 201 | ===== Summary of the collected data: ===== |**Sleep studies:**| Sleep stages, breathing, snoring (audio), oxygen desaturation, electrocardiogram, leg movements, body movements, sleep position.| |**Anthropometry, body composition, physical fitness:**| Height, weight and body mass index (BMI)| |**Withings smartwatch:**| Heart rate, movement, sleep, oxygen saturation.| |**Empatica smartwatch:**| EDA, temperature.| |**Questionnaires:**| ISI, Screening questions for RLS, StopBANG, ESS, Berlin, PSQI, Questions about insomnia and sleepiness. | ===== How to get to know the data? ===== ===== How to validate the results data? =====